New courses monthlycme accreditedtop rated by the studentsfree trials Web this depression test consists of a series of 10 questions designed to help you see whether your symptoms are consistent with depression. Want to try another test?
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Quiz to test depression
Depression Quiz
Feelings of hopelessness, guilt, or worthlessness 2.
Changes in your appetite 8.
Web depression quiz your privacy is important to us.It’s quick, free, and you’ll get your confidential results instantly. All results are completely anonymous.If you have depression, you may experience:
Real people real storiesdoctor discussion guidetalk to a specialistWeb 20 minutes at times everybody gets down in the dumps, but if life is consistently getting you down and your lows are making it hard to function, you may be depressed. In the past few weeks, how often have you experienced:A lack of energy 6.

A loss of interest in enjoyable activities 5.
Click on any test below depression anxiety adult adhd.